Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect?
Dr. Ravarino seeks to understand the concerns and cultural background of those he works with. He comes from a strength based approach that identifies both concerns and strengths in clients. You can expect that your work with Dr. Ravarino will be professional, culturally competent, confidential, and ethically sound.
What is the cost of Individual appts?
Dr. Ravarino has a professional rate of $200 / hour for individual appointments, including therapy, consulting, and endurance coaching.
Does Dr. Ravarino accept insurance?
Dr. Ravarino does not accept insurance for services. Receipt of service can be provided upon request, which can be given to insurance company for partial reimbursement. All services are self-pay, including workshops. However, to support access for all families, Dr. Ravarino will offer one financial scholarship to each of his workshops.
When is Dr. Ravarino available?
All services are offered in the evening and on weekdays. Individual or workshop sessions typically begin after 5pm. Parking is in the rear of the building.
Are telehealth services available ?
Telehealth services are available for individual services upon request. Dr. Ravarino is comfortable providing in-person individual services but reserves the right to adjust this policy if infection rates change in Salt Lake City/Country. All workshops are offered in person.
What is the cost of workshops?
Workshops are offered at a professional rate of $100 / workshop. Workshops are interactive in nature and include a booklet that attendees keep for further understanding. To secure a spot in a workshop attendees are asking to pay a $50 deposit.
Professional Speaking fees?
Dr. Ravarino will discuss professional speaking fees and goodness of fit during a free of charge consultation / planning meeting.
What are the terms and conditions?
Individuals are asked to review and sign Dr. Ravarino's Informed Consent document to ensure benefits and risks of professional contracts are clear and agreed upon by both parties.